1、韬光养晦[词典]hide one's capacities and bide one's time;
2、[例句]经过十多年的审时度势,他的性格依然是那么让人捉摸不透,韬光养晦高深莫测。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.
儿童教育2023-07-21 17:03:08未知
1、韬光养晦[词典]hide one's capacities and bide one's time;
2、[例句]经过十多年的审时度势,他的性格依然是那么让人捉摸不透,韬光养晦高深莫测。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.
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