
生活常识2024-01-28 18:04:14佚名


1. 给<达芬奇密码>里的10句英文和翻译

1、A voice spoke, chillingly close. "Do not move."翻译:一个声音,从不远处阴森森地传来:“不许动!”


2、I must pass on the secret.我必须把这个秘密传下去。


3、Symbologists often remarked that France—a country renowned for machismo, womanizing, and diminutive insecure leaders like Napoleon and Pepin the Short.符号学家常说,法国是一个因那些有男子汉气概、沉溺于女色的、像拿破仑和矮子丕平那样危险的小个子领袖而出名的国家。


4、Jacques Saunière was considered the premiere goddess iconographer on earth.雅克·索尼埃被认为是全球有关女性崇拜图像符号学的第一专家。


5、"Silas has located the keystone," the caller said. "It is in Paris. Within the Church of Saint-Sulpice."“塞拉斯已经知道拱顶石在什么地方了。”打电话的人说。“在巴黎。在圣叙尔皮斯教堂里。”


6、In his final moments of life, the curator had stripped off his clothing and arranged his body in a clear image of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.在生命的最后一刻,馆长脱光了衣服,明白无误地用自己的身体摆成了达·芬奇《维特鲁威人》的样子。


7、SO DARK THE CON OF MAN.男人的欺骗是多么黑暗。


8、Adorned in masters' loving art, She lies.她躺在大师们令人钟爱的杰作的怀抱里。


9、The quest for the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one.圣杯在上,剑刃在下。剑刃和圣杯一道看护着她的门外。


10、For a moment, he thought he heard a woman's voice。 the wisdom of the ages。 whispering up from the chasms of the earth.好一会儿,兰登感觉他听到了一个女人的声音……在那些世纪里存留的智慧,从大地的裂口中,悄声响起。


2. 求一篇《达芬奇密码》的英文读书笔记

Try Putting This Book Down "Like the Arabian brotherhood of hashishim, the legendary Knights Templar waited for the Desired Knight to rescue the world from tyranny and establish the benevolent rule of the Grail."— Barbara G. Walker, The Women's Enclopedia of Myths and Secrets Whenever I read a 454 page book in one sitting, it's probably a safe bet for me to think that other people will like the book. Not that my criteria for excellence necessarily matches that of the literary masses -- but the words "breakout thriller" certainly apply here. Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is going to make publishing history. Trust me. There are already tables at the local Barnes & Nobles featuring books about the Freemasons, biographies of Leonardo Da Vinci, guidebooks to the Louvre and Renaissance art, all centered around Brown's book. And the book has been out less than two weeks. It's good, damn good. The Da Vinci Code has all the right ingredients to create a massive market share of the fiction sold during the next year. The characters are believable, the fictional premise intriguing, and it has two major components to insure sales -- the Knights Templar and the search for the Holy Grail. The book received the kind of "push" from Doubleday usually reserved for the likes of John Grisham and Daniel Steele. They're extremely pleased by the advance copy sales and overwhelming support of retailers for the book. Brown, who quietly moved from Pocket to his new publishing house Doubleday when senior editor Jason Kaufman, (publisher of Brown's two previous books) moved to there in 2001. Brown received a small advance, a boon to Doubleday who can now spend money on a literary show of force, pushing the book with sales incentives and an extensive advertising campaign. According to publishing pundits, many houses held back their spring releases because of the February 2nd laydown of John Grisham's latest King of Torts. Brown's book received a slam dunk response from advance copies to reviewers and booksellers sent out months ahead of publication (Doubleday gave out 5,000 advance reader copies at regional shows and in the field last year). Doubleday reps devoted themselves to making sure the book received prominent display space, something not usually reserved for breakout books. The house will even launch a website where readers can attempt to "break the code". Brown has also committed to a six-city promotion tour, but as the response for this book will probably multiply exponentially, I suspect he'll be going to more than six. When publishing houses throw books at us, often we, as reviewers are disappointed. The writing lacks substance; the plot fails to hold our interest; or perhaps the characters aren't fully developed. Then, after writing a review of the book, an honest take on what we consider an inferior book, we see the book on the New York Times Best Seller List. We can't help but wonder about the effect of massive advertising campaigns upon sales by the reading public. Take heart, reviewers and readers, The Da Vinci Code will be on the list and it belongs there. You all deserve a quick plot summary. Know that there can't be one here -- the book is a thriller and details will destroy it for you. I just had to delete the next 250 or more words I'd written, because I realized it would destroy the suspense in the book. I'd defined the Holy Grail in terms of Celtic, Moor (pick your pagan) traditions. Then I wrote about the myths surrounding the Knights Templar, the persecution of Jews, the relationship between Jesus and his love, Mary Magdalene, and more. What I can tell you without ruining the book, is that Brown's book takes myth and reality and combines it in just the right way. He appears to be right on target with his many of his conclusions, and while the book is "fiction", one can't help but believe much of it. Brown doesn't insist you believe him, in fact, he's almost apologetic about how strange and unusual his conclusions may sound. In a subtle way, he warns the reader that everyone is allowed their own belief system and whatever gives someone spiritual comfort should be respected. But Using Will and Ariel Durant's The History of Civilization, Francis and Joseph Gies' Women in the Middle Ages, and Barbara Walker's The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets to confirm Brown's facts, I learned that when he puts two and two together, it's amazing what he comes up with. This book will have what is probably an unintentional effect. The Da Vinci Code counteracts the WalMart best sellers by Tim LaHaye. Brown presents an intellectual and fact-。

3. 达芬奇密码中的精彩语句


Robert Langdon: I'm into something here that I cannot understand. 罗伯特·兰登:我进入了一个无法理解的世界。

Sir Leigh Teabing: We are in the middle of a war. One that has been going on forever to protect a secret so powerful that if revealed it would devastate the very foundations of mankind. 李·提彬爵士:我们处于一场战争之中。我们必须坚守着一个秘密,这个秘密是如此重要,如果一旦泄露,那么整个人类的根基都会毁于一旦。

Sir Leigh Teabing:It`s called scotoma. The mind sees what it choose to see. 李·提彬爵士:这就是所谓的盲点,大脑只看到它选择看的东西。 Sir Leigh Teabing: You and I, Robert, we have observed history. We are in history now.Making it. 李·提彬爵士:你和我,罗伯特,我们都洞悉了历史。我们现在就是历史本身。创造历史。

Robert Langdon :They didn`t notice anything?Sir Leigh Teabing:Well,People rarely notice things right in front of theirs eyes. 罗伯特·兰登:他们什么也没看到?李·提彬爵士:大家都对眼前的事情视若无睹。

Robert Langdon :Maybe there is no proof. Maybe the Grail is lost forever. But,sophie,the only thing that matters is what you believe. 罗伯特·兰登:也许没有任何证据,也许永远找不到圣杯,但是重要的是你相信什么。

Robert Langdon :Why does it have to be human or divine? Maybe human is divine. Why couldn`t Jesus have been a father and still been capable of all those miracles? 罗伯特·兰登:耶稣是人或神为什么这么重要?也许人就是神。耶稣为什么不能当父亲同时也做出那些奇迹?

Robert Langdon :Well,here`s the question: A living descendent of Jesus Christ,would she destroy faith? Or would she renew it? So again I say,what matters is what you believe. 罗伯特·兰登:唯一的问题是,耶稣基督活生生的后代她会摧毁基督教的信仰?或是加强这个信仰?我再强调这全要看你相信什么。

Sophie: Thank you. For bring me here. For letting him choose you.Sir Robert. 索菲:谢谢你。把我带到这里。让他选择你,罗伯特爵士。

4. 求英文版的达芬奇密码影评



无论是否确实了解它,但只要提及这五个字就没有人宣称自己不知晓,最差的也要问问达芬奇到底怎么了? 这部借用野史和传说作为悬疑铺垫的惊险小说在全球的影响力无与伦比。其中运用宗教传说将脍炙人口的大家以及闻名世界的艺术圣地同阴谋和权力联系一起极大的满足了大众的猎奇心理,同时为免去哗众取宠造谣生事的负面阴影又将各种科学理论和历史事件有条不紊的作为各种爆炸性信息的注脚及说明。













可对于里外都不甚了解的观众来说有些失望,影片的架势和味道都带着一种标准娱乐的情绪,让人不得不有所联想。 个人认为朗霍华德导演拍摄本片有着郁闷之处。








5. 求英文的简短的《达芬奇密码》的英文故事介绍

Plot summary This book concerns the attempts of Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University, to solve the murder of renowned curator Jacques Saunière (see Bérenger Saunière) of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The title of the novel refers, among other things, to the fact that Saunière's body is found in the Denon Wing of the Louvre naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a Pentagram drawn on his stomach in his own blood. The interpretation of hidden messages inside Leonardo's famous works, (which relate to the concept of the Sacred feminine) including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, figure prominently in the solution to the mystery. Vitruvian Man, by Leonardo da Vinci.The main conflict in the novel revolves around the solution to two mysteries: What secret was Saunière protecting that led to his murder? Who is the mastermind behind his murder and the murder of the three other sénéchaux (keepers of the secrets of the grail)? The novel has several concurrent storylines that follow different characters throughout different parts of the book (DVC chapter summaries). Eventually all the storylines and characters are brought together and resolved in its denouement. The unraveling of the mystery requires the solution to a series of brain-teasers, including anagrams and number puzzles. The solution itself is found to be intimately connected with the possible location of the Holy Grail and to a mysterious society called the Priory of Sion, as well as to the Knights Templar. The story also involves the Catholic organization Opus Dei. The novel is the second book of a trilogy by Brown in which Robert Langdon is the main character. The previous book, Angels and Demons, took place in Rome and concerned the Illuminati. Although Angels and Demons is centered on the same character it is not necessary to read the book in order to understand the plot of The Da Vinci Code. The next book is tentatively scheduled for release in 2007. Its working title is The Solomon Key, and it is understood to concern Freemasonry.。


