1. 《名利场》(英文版)有哪些名句
1、it is true that human nature is so, both credulous and doubting, that it is weak and stubborn, and that he can not make up his mind and do things for others. 2、life in the world, some of the fragments at that time looked at the indifference, but in fact, it was involved in the overall situation. 3、if a person is abandoned, most of them are not good. 4、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is happy? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? Come on, children pick up from the stage, hide the puppet, let's play is played out. 5、if a person does not put anyone in the heart, of course, he can not expect to have a true friend. 6、If I have 5000 pounds, I am a good woman, too. 7、many rich people had in mind have no conscience this thing, in their view, but be beneath the human character of conscience. 8、I think of those interested in fame, friendship and how long, how perfect, have to admire them.9、if you are a small abacus when all of the people who, the world's population must be greatly reduced. 10、a woman to look down on other women is a very proud thing! 11、alas, all the profits, all is vanity! Who are really happy inside of us? Who is to have as is wished? Even if it was a wish at that time, is it not satisfactory after that? 12、there was always some time when it was insignificant, but in fact it was in the big picture. 13、I want the story to end at the end of that everyone is dissatisfied, not happy。
We should feel about our own stories and all the stories. 14、China men have two kinds of bad habits, one is working, they usually tell you that money, this is us.There is a love come from them, with your love, which we call the father. 15、the life sorrow, you are advised dandyism today, the butcher said, see the Buddha flowers. When love comes, Lu Chiwen felt that love had gone. It's better to say love than to do it.。
2. 有人知道名利场中的经典名句的英文原句吗
All Life , there are always some fragments looked at it does not matter, but in fact it affects the overall situation.
Human nature is so true, both credulous and love of doubt, that it is weak and very stubborn, their own undecided, but for others to do things very decision.
3. 名利场电影英文经典台词
4. 名利场电影英文经典台词
5. 《名利场》的大概内容(英文)
【内容简介】 小说题目“名利场”取自班扬的寓言小说(天路历程)。
她晚年从另一情夫约瑟夫手中得到一笔遗产,开始热心于慈善事业。 作者萨克雷在小说中栩栩如生地勾勒出一幅现实中的名利场的画面,把生活中尔虞我诈、欺骗背叛、势利虚荣等丑恶行径表现得淋漓尽致。
6. 萨克雷的小说《名利场》
是英国十九世纪小说家萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作。是英国较著名的讽刺性批判现实主义小说。故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会。当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声。中上层社会各式各等人物,都忙着争权夺位,争名求利,所谓“天下攘攘,皆为利往,天下熙熙,皆为利来”,名利、权势、利禄,原是相连相通的。 然而在浮华的背后,回归自然生活的军官,所表现出来的真实情感,让读者看到戴着虚伪面具的伪装面孔背后还有如此真挚的情感,超越虚华而朴实的情感。一切的资源都成为其实现如此最终目标的工具,姿色,才智,亲情,友情……而当一切的资源都被其利用透彻之后,回头过来,才知道所谓的名利不过是刹那烟花。名与利,固然可求,但那并不是生活的全部,人如果过分追求名利,名利就会成为心头最大的诱惑,人也因此变得贪婪、虚伪,失去了自我,失去了一颗纯洁的心。而当她在经历这一切之后,一颗永恒炽热的心依然在等候着她,她终于重新体认到了善良、宽容、谦和、淳朴、友爱、和平与宁静,寻找到了身体和心的归宿,让时光从的的身外从自己的心内慢慢地流逝如水,从中领略生命的全部意义。
7. 名著《名利场》的英文书评
William Thackerey's "Vanity Fair" has been adapted for the screen and television in numerous occasions. It is almost an impossible task to get a coherent take on a narrative that spans a lot of years and in which a lot happens.This adaptation of the book by Mira Nair with the adaptation by Julian Fellowes, is sumptuously photographed by Declan Quinn, who captures the Regency period in the England at the beginning of the XIX century. Ms. Nair's touch is evident in the way the costumes have an Indian flair as they were brilliantly executed by designer Beatrix Aruna Pasztor. Maria Djurkovic's wonderful production design is also an asset.If anything, this reincarnation of the Thackerey's novel is a joy for the eyes. The rich period in which the action takes place comes alive in the screen as a feast of colors, which in a way, compensate for the failings on the story and in the way Ms. Nair conceived the way she wanted to tell this tale about an ambitious young woman who is the epitome of social climbing. As a character puts in the film, Becky Sharp would be a perfect mountaineer.Part of what is wrong with the film is Reese Witherspoon in the central role. Not that her interpretation is wrong, it's that she doesn't project the character of Becky Sharp with an intensity that another actress might have brought to the role. In part, this might not have been Ms. Witherspoon's fault, but the director's, in the way she guided the key performance.The other failure of the film lies in the last scenes in which one finds Becky in Baden-Baden. Becky, Amelia, and Dobbins, haven't aged one iota. For the sake of realism, a bit of old age makeup should have been applied to these actors, or else, one might believe in the curative waters of that German spa. If it was true, we should be taking the next flight to Germany. After all, if that were the case, it would be the end of plastic surgery as we know it!Some of the best actors of the English stage and screen are seen in various roles. Bob Hoskins, Eileen Atkins, Jim Broadbent, Gabriel Byrne, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Rhys Ifan, Romola Garai, Jonathan Rhys-Meyer, James Purefoy, just to name a few, do an excellent job in the portrayal of their characters.This "Vanity Fair", although flawed, is not a total failure. Mira Nair shows an amazing talent for being in command of such a large project.。
8. 求名利场的英文简介
Every year, when winter descends on the country, one of English literature's great works always finds itself pulled down from my bookshelf: namely, William Thackeray's immortal Vanity Fair. The reason is simple: no degree of chilliness in the air can extinguish the book's incredible warmth and humour. It is a tonic. 每年,随着冬季的降临,总有一部英国文学的伟大作品从我的书架上取下——威廉·萨克雷不朽的《名利场》。
Being an accepted classic, Vanity Fair is no doubt familiar to many readers. But its indelible characters and set-pieces still deserve mention. From the sly anti-heroine Becky Sharp to the gentle-mannered Dobbin — and from the mistreatment of a dictionary to the battlefield death of one character (I won't reveal whom!) — there is not one component of the story which detracts from the whole. 作为一部公认的经典,《名利场》无疑广为读者所熟知。然而书中不朽的人物和场景设置仍值得一提。
从狡猾的反派女主人公贝姬·夏普到举止文雅的道宾;从不当地对待字典到一个人物战死沙场——没有一个组成部分是不为整体服务的。 The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray's acute eye for social detail. He is cutting, of course, but never slips into crude caricature. The result is a portrait of 19th-century society which feels authentic and unpompous. If Vanity Fair succeeds, it is because it is — like much of Dickens's output — a great work of journalism. 情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。
他的语言是尖刻的,那毫无疑问,但是,绝不沦为粗劣的歪曲的讽刺。而其结果就是一幅描 绘十九世纪的肖像画,感觉如此真实,不虚夸。
如果说《名利场》是成功的,那么它成功在于——如同很多狄更斯的作品一样——它是一部伟大的新闻学作品。 To paraphrase The Spectator's own motto, Vanity Fair is champagne for the soul. For that, I give it my highest recommendation, and raise a glass to Mr William Makepeace Thackeray. 套用一下《旁观者》杂志自己的座右铭——《名利场》是给灵魂享用的香槟。
9. 名著《名利场》的英文书评
William Thackerey's "Vanity Fair" has been adapted for the screen and television in numerous occasions. It is almost an impossible task to get a coherent take on a narrative that spans a lot of years and in which a lot happens.This adaptation of the book by Mira Nair with the adaptation by Julian Fellowes, is sumptuously photographed by Declan Quinn, who captures the Regency period in the England at the beginning of the XIX century. Ms. Nair's touch is evident in the way the costumes have an Indian flair as they were brilliantly executed by designer Beatrix Aruna Pasztor. Maria Djurkovic's wonderful production design is also an asset.If anything, this reincarnation of the Thackerey's novel is a joy for the eyes. The rich period in which the action takes place comes alive in the screen as a feast of colors, which in a way, compensate for the failings on the story and in the way Ms. Nair conceived the way she wanted to tell this tale about an ambitious young woman who is the epitome of social climbing. As a character puts in the film, Becky Sharp would be a perfect mountaineer.Part of what is wrong with the film is Reese Witherspoon in the central role. Not that her interpretation is wrong, it's that she doesn't project the character of Becky Sharp with an intensity that another actress might have brought to the role. In part, this might not have been Ms. Witherspoon's fault, but the director's, in the way she guided the key performance.The other failure of the film lies in the last scenes in which one finds Becky in Baden-Baden. Becky, Amelia, and Dobbins, haven't aged one iota. For the sake of realism, a bit of old age makeup should have been applied to these actors, or else, one might believe in the curative waters of that German spa. If it was true, we should be taking the next flight to Germany. After all, if that were the case, it would be the end of plastic surgery as we know it!Some of the best actors of the English stage and screen are seen in various roles. Bob Hoskins, Eileen Atkins, Jim Broadbent, Gabriel Byrne, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Rhys Ifan, Romola Garai, Jonathan Rhys-Meyer, James Purefoy, just to name a few, do an excellent job in the portrayal of their characters.This "Vanity Fair", although flawed, is not a total failure. Mira Nair shows an amazing talent for being in command of such a large project.。