英语秋天的优美句子 描写秋天的优美英文短句

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英语秋天的优美句子 描写秋天的优美英文短句

1. 描写秋天的英语句子

1、Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section.秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。

2、Autumn, in a tense after harvest, suddenly everything faded, boundless land pale yellow bare.秋天,在一场紧张的收割之后,转眼间一切都褪了颜色,一望无垠的土地苍黄地裸露着。3、The autumn wind, cool breeze, flowers and trees, like a loving mother is humming a lullaby to put their children into the sweet dreams.秋风,凉丝丝的,吹拂着花草树木,好像一位温情的母亲正轻轻地哼着催眠曲把自己的子女送进甜蜜的梦乡。

4、The warm autumn sun quiet, gentle warm autumn wind of Dong Xiang, melodious elegant blue sky and white clouds.金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。5、The autumn wind blows, cenglinjinran, golden; sun, walking in the jungle, there is a different kind of taste.秋风萧瑟,层林尽染,一片金黄;阳光下,走在这密林之中,确有一番别样味道。

6、The golden autumn, the sky like a piece of earth sapphire, it has been autumn wipe very clean and beautiful.金色的秋天来了,天空像一块覆盖大地的蓝宝石,它已经被秋风抹拭得非常洁净而美丽。7、Relative to the last spring, summer and winter glitz, silence, autumn is a hole that has yet to hang the fickleness of the world, already middle-aged and old male wei.相对于春的繁丽,夏的浮华,冬的死寂,秋是一位洞明世态炎凉,又还未至垂垂已老的中年伟男。

8、In autumn, most flowers have lost their former glory, the petals have fallen, and the variety of chrysanthemum is in the limelight, decorate the city, beautify the environment.在秋天里,大部分花已经失去了往日的风采,花瓣已经落下,而各种各样的菊花却在争奇斗艳,装点了城市,美化了环境。9、The arrival of autumn, so that fruit trees mature. Look, they're laughing apple red, like in autumn aunt let them mature thanks.秋天的到来,让果树成熟了。

看,苹果们个个都笑得红通通的,像在感谢秋姑姑让它们成熟了。10、Autumn, you are more prosperous than the spring scene, you are more colorful than the spring of the spring.秋天,你比春天更富有欣欣向荣的景象,你比春天更富有绚丽的色彩。

11、Autumn may hide in golden rice, perhaps hidden in the fire of all in the persimmon, may be hidden in the green room of rapeseed.秋也许就藏在金灿灿的稻穗上,也许藏在火通通的柿子里,也许藏在绿油油菜地间。12、High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth Pangu also; days as blue, as if there was the artist painted in the sky blue pigment.秋天的天很高,好象盘古还在撑着天和地;天那样蓝,好象有位画家在天空中涂了蓝色的颜料。

13、Autumn quietly came, walked with light steps, with the harvest of hope and joy.秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。14、Autumn! Like a young girl dressed in golden clothes, she is gentle and kind, always bring benefits to people!秋天!就像一位身穿金色衣服的少年秋姑娘,她温柔善良,总会给人们带来好处!15、In autumn, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire.秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。

2. 描写秋天景色英文的句子

1、I like autumn very much.


2、My favourite season is autumn.


3、Do you like autumn?


4、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool.


5、I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.



3. 关于秋天的英汉美好句子


Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。

That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。

The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

4. 赞美秋天英语句子

关于秋天的英语句子1.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


2.Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.

5. 关于季节的英语好句,优美一点的,必须是英语,初中水平

July, clear blue sky, hung like a fireball sun, the clouds as if the sun burnt, and also disappeared without a trace. 春天随着落花走了,夏天披着一身的绿叶儿在暖风里蹦跳着走来了。

With the falling away in spring, summer, green leaves dressed in a child bouncing around in the warm air inside came the. 初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱大小的粼粼光斑。 Early summer sunshine Mimicengceng transmission between the branches and leaves down on the ground full of coins the size of India and sparkling spot。

6. 关于秋天的英汉美好句子


Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。

That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。

The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

7. 关于秋天的英语名言

1.Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


2.Life is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardless of the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


8. 秋的句子


一泓流水,一弦丝竹之音和鸣,你便知道,你该去看看秋天了。 2.相对于春的繁丽,夏的浮华,冬的死寂,秋是一位洞明世态炎凉,又还未至垂垂已老的中年伟男。

3.秋天是一种廓然空阔的心绪,秋天是一种淡然惬意的闲适。 4.秋草有情,径自凋敝;黄花无意,引领南山远眺。

阡陌相交,炊烟袅袅,那是秋天里写不尽的诗情。 5.走进秋天,凝望那一泓碧水,山、云、树,会重叠了你的身影。

6.拾一枚吻过秋水的卵石珍藏,是珍藏一种秋天的情怀。 7.或是晨光初照,或是山街夕辉,独坐秋天,高天、淡云、远山、近树、鸟鸣,幕天席地,一曲幽远的天籁交响在你的心底里升起。

8.万山逶迤足下,一水洪峰踏过,站在山冈高坡,看秋风落叶如一片片迭落的时光,观云起云涌如人生天地匆匆过客。 9.高天大地,你站在地平线上,正好清赏秋天。



根据气温的不同,秋天可以分为初秋、仲秋和深秋。 秋天,是大地生育的时节。



付出一年辛勤劳动的人们,更是感觉到丰收的喜悦。 秋天,炎夏终于悄悄地溜走了,阳光照射大地的时间比夏天短了,不再从早上五六点一直照到傍晚六七点;阳光开始变得柔和温顺了,不再像炎夏时那样怒气冲冲披挂上阵,让人望而生畏;秋天的阳光已经较为斜射,不像炎夏时那样直射,因而温度明显降低了许多。



法国作家莫泊桑在《一个诺曼底人》中把秋天的金色比作仿佛是日光融成了点滴从天上落到了茂密的树丛里。 深秋的大自然界,留下的是一片凄凉的景象。



于是,一种惆怅的感觉会向你的心头袭来,勾起你无限的愁绪。 萧红的《呼兰河传》虽然是自传体性质的小说,但它的笔法却是抒情散文的笔法,把她的家乡呼兰河描绘得如一幅水墨画。




秋天多细雨,一阵阵,密密麻麻的,下一场雨天气的温度就下降一点,大自然就在一阵阵风雨之中变换季节,弄得人们心神不定。 秋雨打着他们的脸。



这里,作家写了秋雨、秋云、秋天光秃秃的树林。 深秋多浓雾、多霜,林木深处,鸟的叫声也变得怯生生的了,仿佛感觉到冬天快来了。

高峰上已经开始盖上了初雪。秋天,叶子一片片落下,带着一丝丝的遗憾,投向大地母亲的怀抱.她们跳跃着,旋转着,轻舞飞扬着,翩然落下 秋雨打着她们的脸。

一堆堆深灰色的迷云,低低地压着大地。 已经是深秋了,森林里那一望无际的林木都已光秃,老树阴郁地 站着,让褐色的苔掩住它身上的皱纹。

无情的秋天剥下了它们美 丽的衣裳,它们只好枯秃地站在那里。 秋天带着落叶的声音来了,早晨像露珠一样新鲜。

天空发出柔 和的光辉,澄清又缥缈,使人想听见一阵高飞的云雀的歌唱,正 如望着碧海想着见一片白帆。夕阳是时间的翅膀,当它飞遁时有 一刹那极其绚烂。

9. 描写夏天的英语句子有哪些

1. It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.夏天的下午,湛蓝的天空云雀在飞舞。

2. Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers. 夏天就是当太阳照耀的时候,蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞。3. Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground sparkling spot.初夏的阳光从茂密的树叶透射出来,在地上闪闪发光。

4. Summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest.夏季是一年中的第二个季节。它在春天和秋天之间。

夏天的太阳是最热的;夏天的水是最暖的。5. Summer is sultry. that's the reason why i don't like it.夏天很闷热,这就是我不喜欢它的原因。

6. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,然后飞走了。 7. summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.夏季是各种冷食和多汁水果的好季节。

8. I love summer very much. In summer, it's hot, and sometimes it's rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.我非常喜欢夏天。夏天很热,有时会下雨。


9. I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it's not very hot.我爱在夏天游泳。所以我总是和我的父母一起去海里游泳。

有时候,如果天气不是很热,我喜欢和我的朋友在操场上打篮球。10. In summer,children can go boating and play many kinds of games.People who like swimming like this season so much.在夏季,孩子们能出去划船和做各种各样的游戏。

喜欢游泳的人们尤其喜爱这个季节。11. I love summer because it is full of life and hope.我爱夏季是因为它充满了生机和希望。

12. Summer is a lovely season.In summer the sun is shining brightly in the sky and the trees and crops are growing fast.夏天是一个可爱的季节。夏天艳阳高照,树木和庄稼迅速生长。

13. summer although said is very hot, but may hear “the insect sonata” in the evening, heartily the pleasure which feels Ningxia to bring.夏天虽然说很热,但晚上可能会听到“昆虫奏鸣曲”,尽情感受宁夏带来的乐趣。14. I like summer,although it is hot. 我喜欢夏天,尽管它很热。

15. The summer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to sweat.夏天的太阳像个大火炉,把大地烤得发烫,就连空气也是热烘烘的,人一动就浑身冒汗。



