动物保护英文名言警句 保护动物的英文名言警句

生活常识2024-02-28 21:57:21佚名

动物保护英文名言警句 保护动物的英文名言警句

1. 关于保护动物的英文名言

1 Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~Albert Einstein没有什么会改善人类的健康和增加在地球上生存的机会比进化吃素。”

~艾伯特爱因斯坦2 Animals are our friends,we must protect them动物是我们的朋友,我们必须保护他们。

2. 有关保护动物的英语名言

I agree that animal has its rights as human rights, are as. This is the kind of expansion.——The United States President Lincoln.

我赞同动物均有其权利,如同人类均有人权一样。这才是扩充仁心之道。 ——美国总统林肯

A nation's moral is great, can from the animal 's attitude to see.——India Mahatma Gandhi


A pair of animal cruelty, also will become the human cruelty.——Thomas, equinox.

一个对动物残忍的人,也会变得对人类残忍。— 汤玛斯.艾奎纳

3. 关于保护动物的英文名言

1、Even ferocious beasts, if always kept in cages, will lose their courageous nature. —— Tacitus


2、attach equal importance to human rights and animal rights, which should be the consensus of all mankind. —— Lincoln, President of the United States


3、God's creations, even the lowest animals, are members of the Chorus of Life. I don't like any religion that only caters to human needs and ignores animals like cats and dogs. —— Lincoln, President of the United States


4、Human love, hope and fear are no different from animals. They are like sunshine, coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground. —— John Moore


5、A person who is cruel to animals will become cruel to humans. —— Thomas Aquinas


6、Accept a world outlook that transcends anthropocentrism and can even love other animals as much as they love themselves. —— Ralston, Scotland


7、People who are cruel to animals will not be merciful to people. —— Schopenhauer, Germany


8、A nation's moral is great, can from the animal 's attitude to see.——India Mahatma Gandhi


9、Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.——Albert Einstein


10、agree that animal has its rights as human rights, are as. This is the kind of expansion.——The United States President Lincoln.

我赞同动物均有其权利,如同人类均有人权一样。这才是扩充仁心之道。 ——美国总统林肯

4. 求5个关于保护动物的英文句子,要翻译

Strict laws will protect animal and plant species from extinction.


Man should protect animal in danger by law.


Protecting rare animals is also protecting the Earth.


He subscribes a large sum to an animal protection society.


Illegal traffic in protected animals is quite common there.


Scientists urge that wild animals should be justified protected.



