Color TheoryIn our everyday lives, colors paint our moods and tint our emotions. Without color our lives would be bland indeed. We would endure a monochrome existence - no powder blue in the sky, no mauve in the sunset, no green in the forest. Colored diamonds come in all of those hues and every other color in nature, sometimes combining in the most beguiling ways.Two factors other than size help to determine the value of colored diamonds. One is body color in the rough diamond crystal and the other is the quality in the cutting process expressed in the process.Crystalline cocktails devised by nature over tens of millions of years. Colors are part mystery, part scientific analysis.Blue diamonds are derived from the element boron, which, over eons, mixes within the carbon base of the diamond. Yellow diamonds acquire their vibrant colors from nitrogen. Grey, violet and olive diamonds contain hydrogen. The pink, brown and purple tinges in some diamonds derive from structural anomalies within the diamond. Some diamonds attain a green color because they came into contact with a natural source of radiation within the earth, probably uranium ore.Each colored diamond is different not only because of its natural body color but also because of the way it is shaped and finally polished. Most fancy color diamonds are cut into cushion or radiant shapes forms, which best bring out the depth of hue. The most skilled cutters shorten the optical light path through the diamond, creating the bright sparkle that is reflected from them. Cutting deeper pavilions and creating different facets may intensify color. The cutting of colored diamonds is significantly important, performed by highly skilled craftsmen who combine their technical knowledge with a deep appreciation for beauty and color. Different regions of the earth have yielded particular types of colored diamonds, and each color requires a master cutter's knowledge and appreciation to unlock the beauty within." 。
An architect who created a beautiful edifice, an artist who painted a fine picture, a poet who composed melodious rhymes - they are all gripped with one feeling - a lapidary (gem cutter) feels the same way." D. Kreptiukov 1929话说彩钻在我们生命中的每天,颜色描绘着我们的心情和表达我们的情绪。没有彩色我们的生命会是平淡的。
我们将忍耐没有丁点蓝色的天空,没有紫霞的日落, 没有绿色的森林。彩色钻石将自然界所有的颜色都融入自身,有时以最具欺骗性的方式结合。
除大小之外还有二个因素决定着彩钻石的价值。 一是钻石原始晶体本身的颜色,另一个是在加工过程中表现出来的切工等级。
大多数彩钻都被切割成枕型或放射型琢型,为的是让钻石的颜色有足够的饱和度。 最熟练的切割技师通过缩短光穿过钻石内部的距离,使得光线的反射能够更好的体现钻石的活力。
地球的不同区域产出不同类型颜色的彩色钻石,每种颜色都需要切割大师用他的知识和对彩钻的理解去开启它内在的美丽。“…一位建筑师创造了一栋伟大的建筑,一个艺术家完成了一幅传世佳作, 一位诗人构思完成了一首绝妙的诗歌——他们的心里全部都流动着同一种感觉——这种感觉与一位宝石工匠心里的(宝石切割师)一模一样。”
2. 介绍钻石的英语小文章帮人帮到底, 送佛送到西!
When you shop for a diamond you would like a beautiful diamond that gets noticed in a crowd and that you can be proud of. What makes a diamond beautiful and gets noticed is the way it plays with light, or the Light Performance. To evaluate a diamond's beauty, it is typically rocked back and forth in a well-lit room or under a diamond light. Tilting the stone changes the angle that light enters its facets. It's wise to choose a retailer fully trained and equipped to sell diamonds based on Light Performance standards.
中文大意是, 但不精准。
3. 钻石的英文缩写矿物名称为「金刚石」,英文为Diamond,源于古希腊语Adamant
diamond in the rough
a diamond wedding
4. 描写钻石的句子晶莹剔透 纯净透明 经久不变 高雅脱俗 前卫时尚
富有动感 优雅生辉 稀有珍贵 独一无二 魅力绽放
含蓄自然 与众不同 简洁洗练 优雅精致 简单清晰
经典永恒 光芒四射 繁华炫目 突破传统 追求个性
时尚优雅 美轮美奂 圆润精致 力臻完美 炫丽夺目
熠熠生辉 炫目华彩 耀人眼目 晶光闪耀 淋漓尽致
交相辉映 璀璨光芒 炫彩惹眼 皇室风范 相互映衬
复古华丽 历久弥新 圆润饱满 错落有致 热力流行
完美理念 卓越品质 光彩夺目 楚楚动人 充满活力
动感自如 高雅大方 简约清丽 纯粹剔透
六爪皇冠经久不衰 520我爱你
天衣无缝光芒四射 1314一生一世
四爪镶嵌热力流行 1573一往情深
莲花盛开魅力绽放 20609爱你到永远
5. 关于爱的优美英语句子To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world.
I'll take one Minute to say "I love You",One Hour to explain it,A whole life to prove it
Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you.
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. ??
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. ??