1、The moon rose.Your dreams will come true.月亮升起来了,你的梦想一定能实现的。
2、The moon is very beautiful.月亮很美。
3、The moon in foreign countries is extraordinarily round yet maybe I won't be able to see the less round moon any more.外国的月亮特别圆,可能无法再看到那个不够圆的月亮。
4、The moon has a misshapen beauty.月亮有残缺的美。
5、The moon changed oddly as it set. A dome, a flying saucer, a lens, a line。。 and then gone.月亮在她落山时奇妙地变化:从一个圆屋顶,变成一个飞着的托盘,再到一块透镜,一条线……然后消失不见。
6、People will appreciate the on scene in the yard, imagine the scene on the moon Chang E.人们会在院子里欣赏月景,想象着嫦娥在月亮上的景象。
7、Moon light,moon bright.I want to make a wish tonight.Wish i may,wish i
might.Have my wish come true
8、In China's history, has very many about moon's fable, for example: Chang E rushes the month and so on.在中国的历史上,有很多关于月亮的传说,如:嫦娥奔月等。
9、I heard on the moon, Chang E sister and a little rabbit.听说月亮上有嫦娥姐姐和一只小白兔。
10、15 Moon how beautiful!Wish Lantern Happy!十五的月亮多么美丽!祝元宵节快乐!
2. 有没有描写星星月亮的优美的英文句子Good word stars, stars, star, lone star, the morning star, stars, stars, constellations, nebulae,star, silver star, glittering and translucent, the blink of an eye, flow star, galaxy, ten thousand stars, brilliant stars, bits and pieces, Zhongxingpengyue, stars, sparse stars Dan Yue, star bright, thin sparsely, dotted, Hyosung sinking and residual star points, Hyosung flicker,extragalactic nebula, Kochi Hoshiwoon, stars twinkling, the galaxy now, Beidou shrinkage, five-star rendezvous, zhongxinggongyue, starry, starry, stars, sparkling stars, sparsely scatteredstars good sentences, little stars like pearl, mosaic in the sky, shining with light hair. Naughty little stars to draw a golden arc in the deep blue sky, like Weaver Kam line thrown together.Winter night, a few bare stars piteously, next to the cold, shivering almost hear their teeth coldcatch a couple struck voice. The little stars in the cold air swing, as if the cold trembling. The stars are full of feelings, like naughty children, in the childish, dedicated to watching the world,as if with that bright eye about a beautiful myth. Venus like someone carefully holding candlesaway, quietly shining in the sky above. The dark blue sky shines with a dazzling white light as diamond stars -- star. A starry night, the sky without a cloud, the deep blue sky, the stars are covered with diamonds. The sparkling stars, like a jewel like, densely strewn with the boundless sky. The Milky Milky way, from the northwest sky, across the meridian, slantingtoward the southeast earth diarrhea. The stars in the summer is like the naughty child cute. A few big and bright stars in the sky at night, as if the sky people carrying lanterns in the patrolof the vast space. The stars are reflected in the rough sea, with wave dance up and down,when the current arc. Venus appears most early, in the deep blue sky flashing up. It is so large, so bright, the vast day only a scene where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. Early in the morning, the storm stopped, but also have a long time before the dawn. A few residual Xing secretly opened his eyes and looked into the white silver whiteworld. Gradually, the remnant star close be sleepy straws. eyes, disappeared in the morningair retreat. A meteor to draw bright lines in the night sky, like searching in the world the most beautiful future. The stars more than ever, big, bright, they are neither the blink of an eye, do not blink, is quiet, serene. This is how the cool clear autumn night! The stars more than everto the bright。
Like silver gray sky studded with many brilliant jewel, SA crystal soft brightness, everything on the earth have become so refined, so quiet. The numerous smallstars all over the sky, falls on the mirror like the river, like a pearl agate, shining. Deep blue sky starry, like countless pairs of eyes, flashing. Ink blue sky hanging many stars, as if theyhad just from the Milky Way bathed in like, bright. The stars like a cup of small lights, flashingin the sky. Black blue blue sky, like a sprinkle sesame like sa a stars in the sky. The East hasfloating fish maw and color of clouds, a few pieces of evacuation of the stars, flashing wink and make signs to one another is still in the sky. Above, a few bright stars look like from the water just like in the flashing out. Fade black clouds, some stars blinked abuse to shy. Sparse stars close tired sleepy eyes, retired disappeared. Venus is so big, so bright, the vast sky onlyone where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. A bright meteor, like the river spilled a drop of water from the Milky Way like flowers, which, flew out, over the deep blue of the night sky, quietly falling to the north. The meteor has become a flash, pierced the night sky. A meteor dragged long tail like blue phosphorescent, draw a long curve in the sky, a long time before gradually disappearing. The deep blue sky as charming, air flashing a little stars,they are getting more and more, as if dancing in the blue carpet, like in the eyes blinked and talk to me.。
3. 填写关于月亮的句子明月松间照,清泉石上流
无言独上西楼, 月如钩, 寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋
明月几时有? 把酒问青天
今人不见古时月, 今月曾经照古人
都是发的我自己比较熟悉的 希望能帮助到你
4. 有关于月亮的英文诗歌月出时分I thought you a fire On Heron-Plantation Hill, Dealing out mischief the most dire To the chattels of men of hire There in their vill. 我想你是火焰 高高地燃烧在苍茫的种植园山岗 看着那些工人们与悲惨的命运达成交易 那里,躺着他们的村庄 But by and by You turned a yellow-green, Like a large glow-worm in the sky; And then I could descry Your mood and mien. 不久之后 你将换上黄绿色的裳 就像一只夜空下的萤火虫 我能够看见 你的沉思与静谧的风采 How well I know Your furtive feminine shape! As if reluctantly you show You nude of cloud, and but by favour throw Aside its drape . . . 我比谁人都明了 你的轻盈充满女性温柔的身躯 仿佛你不愿将 光洁的云朵加以示人 你更喜欢的是轻轻为它披上 一件薄纱 How many a year Have you kept pace with me, Wan Woman of the waste up there, Behind a hedge, or the bare Bough of a tree! 一年中我们曾并肩 踏足多少的地方 垃圾堆旁的苍白女人 走过篱笆墙外,或者是在那一株 落尽了叶子的树枝下 No novelty are you, O Lady of all my time, Veering unbid into my view Whether I near Death's mew, Or Life's top cyme! 我对你再也熟习不过 与我时刻相伴的月光女神 你走进我的眼际 无论我靠近死神的荒冢 亦或是生命之树的顶端! 托马斯·哈代,英国诗人、小说家。
5. 描写夜晚环境安静的唯美的英文句子1. The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮从云后往下来,星星因倦意而眨眼着。所有的东西现在都进入了睡眠,没有任何声音或动作。)
2. Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.
6. 关于月亮的句子★ 疲倦的月亮躲进了云层休息,只留下几颗星星像是在放哨。
★ 月亮斜挂在天空,笑盈盈的,星星挤满了银河,眨巴着眼睛。 ★ 一轮圆月升起来了,像一盏明灯,高悬在天幕上。
★ 月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着村落和田野,极像一只擦亮的铜盘。 ★ 圆月渐渐升高,她那银盘似的脸,流露着柔和的笑容。
★ 明净似的圆月,已经被远方蓝蓝的高山托上天空。 ★ 月亮,圆圆的,像纺车,纺着她浪漫的遐思。
★ 夜,静极了,玉盘似的满月在云中穿行,淡淡的月光洒向大地。 ★ 一轮杏黄色的满月,悄悄从山嘴处爬出来,把倒影投入湖水中。
★ 满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。 ★ 夜晚,满月升起来了,一片宁静随着银雾般的月光洒在大地上。
★ 月亮渐渐升高,她身着白色的纱衣,娴静而安详,温柔而大方。她那银盘似的脸,透过 柳梢,留下温和的笑容。
★ 月亮像一个新娶来的媳妇,刚刚从东天边上来,就又羞答答地钻进树叶子里藏起来。 ★ 月亮像饱经风霜的老人,不紧不慢地梳理着白花花的月光。
★ 月亮像一个含羞的少女,一会儿躲进云间,一会儿又撩开面纱,露出娇容,整个世界都被月色浸成了梦幻般的银灰色。 ★ 月亮是那么明亮,把大地照得一片雪青,树木、房屋、街道都像镀上了一层水银似的。
★ 门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月已经变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是一条弯弯的眉毛。 ★ 清晨,残月像一块失去了光泽的鹅卵石,抛在天边。
★ 一枚新月好像一朵白色梨花,宁静地开放在浅蓝色的天空中。 ★ 夜空挂满了星星,月亮像一只钓鱼的小船,仿佛航行在宽阔的银色的长河里。
★ 月亮像一张弓,弯弯地挂在天空。 ★ 一钩新月从远处的林子里升了起来,它那样白净,就像刚炼过的银子似的。
★ 一弯新月像一把银打的镰刀,从黑黝黝的山峰上伸了出来。 ★ 一弯新月升起来了,像只玉琢的香蕉嵌在天幕上,漾着碧辉。
★ 一弯新月宛如一叶小舟,翘着尖尖的船头,在深夜的静湖中划行,给我送来一片情思。 ★ 一弯新月高高挂在墨蓝色的天空,清澈如水的光辉普照着大地。
★ 新月如一只金色的小舟泊在疏疏的枝桠间。 ★ 半个月亮斜挂在一棵槐树尖儿上,好像一瓣橘子。
★ 月亮小得像一只发卡,弯得使人心醉。 ★ 一弯朦胧的月亮正林蝉翼般透明的云里钻出来,闪着银色的清辉。
★ 夜空中的一弯银钩,洒下无限清辉。 ★ 月牙儿弯弯的,像姑娘们笑得甜甜的嘴。
★ 月牙儿下边,柳梢上面,有一对星好像微笑的仙女的眼,逗着那歪歪的月牙儿和轻摆的柳枝。 ★ 弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船。
★ 窗外弯弯的月牙儿,像开放在幽蓝的夜空中的菊花瓣。 ★ 那弯弯的月牙儿在薄云里穿梭,像梭鱼似的,活泼可爱。
★ 月牙儿像姑娘的眉毛,弯弯地挂在纯净的空中。 ★ 月亮升起来了,红晕晕的,活像谁从东方地平线上挑起个大红灯笼。
★ 月亮升上来了,像是刚刚脱水而出的玉轮冰盘,不染纤尘。 ★ 月亮姑娘升起来了,仿佛正悄悄地对身边的小星星说话。
★ 一轮圆月正冉冉升起,那银色的月光映着几丝儿羽毛般的轻云,美妙极了。 ★ 初升的月亮挂在山顶上空,虽然像云朵一样苍白,但是每一刻都在变得更加明亮。
★ 月亮出海了。在腾空的一瞬间,它仿佛猛地一跳,浑身披满水花,让多情的大海把它冲洗得分外明丽和洁净。
★ 一缕清柔的月光透过窗子,洒在了窗台上,窗台宛若镀了银。 ★ 月光,像一匹银色的柔纱,从窗口垂落下来。
★ 月光穿过树阴,漏下了一地闪闪烁烁的碎玉。 ★ 十五的圆月像一只雪球,镶嵌在墨蓝墨蓝的夜空上,显得格外皎洁。
★ 冷月高挂枝梢,寒风把光秃秃的树枝,吹得呼呼直叫。 ★ 初冬的月亮,又清又冷,从西面泻下冰一样的银辉。
★ 月亮最后升到冷清清的天空,白晃晃一片晶莹。 ★ 月亮从树林边上升起来了,放出冷冷的光辉,照得积雪的田野分外白,越发使人感到寒冷。
万点繁星如同撒在天幕上的颗颗夜明珠,闪烁着灿灿银辉。 ★ 夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数的小星星,一眨一眨地,仿佛在邀请人们到广阔的太空中去遨游。
★ 没有月亮,繁星像是大荷叶上的露珠似的闪烁着。