tequila tequila中文翻译

生活常识2023-08-24 22:03:14橙橘网

tequila tequila中文翻译

[Verse 1]

弯曲的闪着太阳的海岸线 (Bend in the sunlit coastline)

拖把般沿着跻峰而上的路 (Like a mop along the ascending road)

晴空万里梦里云彩重叠 (Clear sky with dreams and overlapping clouds)

任风吹落回忆未曾说 (Memories that were never spoken scattered by the wind)


从你走过的地方 (From the places you walked past)

别过头眼泪才敢落 (Only then can tears fall after turning away)

冲鸦往返的日出日落 (Crows back and forth at sunrise and sunset)

也描不尽我对你的思念 (Cannot depict my longing for you)

[Verse 2]

说散就散的念想 (Thoughts of breaking up)

总在最美丽的时光里 (Always appears in the most beautiful moments)

那些曾经轻吐的真心 (Those sincere words spoken lightly before)

成了陌路的难言之隐 (Became unspoken words of a stranger)


从你走过的地方 (From the places you walked past)

别过头眼泪才敢落 (Only then can tears fall after turning away)

冲鸦往返的日出日落 (Crows back and forth at sunrise and sunset)

也描不尽我对你的思念 (Cannot depict my longing for you)


带不走的从前 (Cannot take away the past)

数不完的问候 (Endless greetings)

怀揣着的只剩 (Only left to hold on to)

孤单与沉默 (Loneliness and silence)


从你走过的地方 (From the places you walked past)

别过头眼泪才敢落 (Only then can tears fall after turning away)

冲鸦往返的日出日落 (Crows back and forth at sunrise and sunset)

也描不尽我对你的思念 (Cannot depict my longing for you)

本文标签: tequila  


