英语翻译铁观音 铁观音翻译成英语

生活常识2023-09-12 14:04:09橙橘网

英语翻译铁观音 铁观音翻译成英语

Tie Guan Yin, which translates to "Iron Goddess of Mercy" in English, is a type of oolong tea that originated in China's Fujian province. It is known for its floral and honey-like fragrance, as well as its smooth and mellow taste. The tea is named after Guan Yin, the East Asian Buddhist goddess of mercy, as it is believed to have been discovered in a temple dedicated to her. Tie Guan Yin is considered to be one of the most famous and sought-after teas in China.

本文标签: 铁观音  英语翻译  


