哈尔滨小吃烤冷面的做法 哈尔滨小吃烤冷面的做法大全

美食推荐2023-07-12 20:02:30橙橘网

哈尔滨小吃烤冷面的做法 哈尔滨小吃烤冷面的做法大全





1. 面条的制作:将面粉和淀粉按照2:1的比例混合,加入适量的水,和成面团。将面团擀成薄片,切成宽度2-3毫米的面条。将面条放在开水中煮熟,捞出放在凉水中过凉水。

2. 制作酱料:将黄豆面、酱油、醋、辣椒油、盐、糖、葱姜蒜等配料混合在一起,调成酱汁。

3. 烤制面条:将凉水过的面条放在铁板或锅上,用小火烤制至微黄色,面条上上颜色后翻面继续烤制。

4. 调制烤面的汁水:在锅里加入水,放入烤制好的面条,加入配料酱汁,煮开后煮一会儿。

5. 上桌:将烤制好的面条捞出,放在碗里面,加入烤面汤水及豆腐皮,干辣椒等,可根据个人口味添加其它配菜,搅拌均匀即可。

Haerbin roasted cold noodles


Flour, starch, water, soybean meal, soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, salt, sugar, scallion, ginger, garlic and other condiments.


1. Making noodles: Mix flour and starch in a 2:1 ratio, add water to make a dough, roll it into thin sheets, and cut it into noodles about 2-3mm wide. Boil the noodles in boiling water, remove them, and cool them in cold water.

2. Making sauce: Mix soybean meal, soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, salt, sugar, scallion, ginger, and garlic together to make the sauce.

3. Roasting noodles: Place the cooled noodles on an iron plate or pan, roast them over low heat until they turn slightly yellow, turn them over and continue roasting.

4. Mixing the sauce water: Add water to the pot, put the roasted noodles in and add the sauce, stirring to mix evenly.

5. Serving: Put the roasted noodles in a bowl, add the soup, tofu skin, dried chili, and other condiments according to personal taste, stir to mix evenly, and enjoy.

本文标签: 冷面  哈尔滨  小吃  做法  


